Warm Heart Campus Plan

Phrao, Thailand

The proposition of the Warm Heart Campus Expansion seeks to develop a palpable FRAMEWORK Plan for future development phasing as well as supporting the current needs of Warm Heart.

The investigation is initiated by the evaluation of the current clustering of buildings, outdoor space utilization, coupled with existing circulation patterns. The zone of expansion is engaged from the primary pedestrian walk and anchored by a proposed Discovery Quad. Operative programming that would constitute the Quad include biochar charged vegetable gardens, demonstration zones, playscapes, and interactive workshops. Deployable learning stations are also positioned throughout to facilitate educational engagement between the children and their surrounding ecologies. The Quad is defined and intertwined with a pavilion framework that forms the baseline infrastructure for indoor/outdoor program implementation, shading, passive cooling, water reclamation, solar panel armature, and breezeway linkages from one facility to the next.